In February (ICSI) it was still three-layered, but since March it has no longer been three-layered - so for 7 months now. However, the height is up to 18mm. Regardless of whether natural or artificial cryocycle. In the last few months, only a natural cycle has been tried.
The following tests have already been carried out:
NUKI diagnostics - negative, neither killer cells nor endometritis
Uterine dilation
2 x hysteroscopy
Curettage incl. biopsy - also unremarkable
Hormone status checked several times - everything is fine
I take the following medication daily:
Metformin (insulin resistance)
Euthyrox (Hashimoto's)
Vitamins (in addition to folic acid, zinc etc. and omega 3) since May approx:
pomegranate extract
+ raspberry leaf tea in the 1st half of the cycle, lady's mantle in the 2nd half.
My BMI is slightly higher at 31. However, not so long ago I was already pregnant twice naturally (by the same partner).
Although I recently turned 40, I still ovulate very regularly, egg quality is also good (one 5AA blasto is still frozen - in February 6 of 7 mature eggs were fertilized, resulting in 3 blastos), eggs are still being produced every month. Cycle is also always normal at around 30 days.
My doctor is at a loss. 2 transfers have now gone negative. No implantation has taken place at all. Another one will not be carried out as long as the mucous membrane is not three-layered. It is not even close to having a structure.
Do you have any other ideas as to why the mucous membrane is not three-layered?