I had my transfer of 2 blastocysts yesterday and my progesterone level was determined. It was 59 nmol/l. Is this value okay for implantation or is it already too high?
Thank you very much
I had my transfer of 2 blastocysts yesterday and my progesterone level was determined. It was 59 nmol/l. Is this value okay for implantation or is it already too high?
Thank you very much
Dear Lily1710,
I only know the unit ng/ml, but you can convert it:
Umrechner: Einheiten-Rechner | Labor Dr. Wisplinghoff
I think 19.47 ng/ml is absolutely okay, I think I had something like 18...
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you 😊!
Your Oskar
...I have converted your value above!
Dear Ms. Lilie1710,
the progesterone value is perfectly fine.
The data on the progesterone value tends to speak against a low progesterone value.
There is no data on the upper limit of progesterone and implantation rate.
Kind regards,
Dr. Izquierdo