Hello dear forum doctors,
The birth of my healthy son was in 2021. After MA 2022 and an ectopic pregnancy in 2023 (during the laparoscopy to remove the ectopic pregnancy, both fallopian tubes were removed (to reduce the risk of another ELS and said that everything else looked good, a new endometriosis focus on the pelvic edge was removed). I had a biopsy at the beginning of this year and a hysteroscopy for the PRP, where the only thing I noticed was that there was a white haze on my SH (endometritis?), but it was minimal. I was given doxycycline as an antiobiotic for this. Then PRP therapy (I also had this with my son in 2020). Transfers with 5 BB Blasto (PGTA tested) were negative in February 2024 and April 2024 - no implantation. There are probably some cases in my clinic where the implantation window has shifted (normalized) after PRP therapy. I had 6.5 days of progesterone with my son and the miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. I am now supposed to have this tested again in June by means of a biopsy. However, the first ultrasound showed a serometra in the uterus, an accumulation of fluid. Now I don't even know whether the biopsy can still be done.... Otherwise the mucous membrane was three-layered and 7 mm. Transfer would be planned for August.... I am slowly getting desperate. What is the cause of such a serometra? My son said to us: Mom, the stork should bring us a baby at the age of 2.5 years! For mom, for dad and for me. I would love to be able to fulfill this wish for him. Unfortunately, we now only have 2 5BC PGTA-approved blastocysts - but for us it's all about the full sibling.... I hope so much that this miracle happens again, also for my little one who wants this.
Do you have any ideas as to what I can do to actually achieve this miracle?