Dear ones: Heartbeat was already there 😍
All values top. Next ultrasound next week.
That sounds great. I'm so happy for you!
Dear ones: Heartbeat was already there 😍
All values top. Next ultrasound next week.
That sounds great. I'm so happy for you!
Gratuliere dir ♡♡
Dear Jam76,
"I'm also still in a total emotional mess. So many years have passed since the first attempt and I feel everything from joy about the pregnancy to fear of the changes to panic.
Do you know that too? Also this fear, now that it has worked, whether it was right?"
I know this all too well, I had it with all my pregnancies at the beginning, despite the great desire to have children. I think it's pretty normal because there are so many new things to come. I'm someone who unfortunately broods a lot, which probably doesn't make it any better 😉.
Best regards! Oskar
Dear ones: Heartbeat was already there 😍
All values top. Next ultrasound next week.
Oh how lovely dear Jam76. I'm so happy for you. That is sooo great!
An update from me. I am soooo happy right now. I went to my old fertility clinic today and had an ultrasound. I just didn't want to wait another two weeks, even if I have to pay for it myself now. And I was rewarded (I'm 7+0) with a strong heartbeat, a nice round yolk sac and a timely embryo. Now I'm really relieved and it's slowly sinking in that I'm pregnant!
Wow, congratulations 😊
The ultrasound was really worth it then
I wish you an uncomplicated pregnancy ♡
I am also very happy for you Coco_F
Coco_F Congratulations again and glad that everything is well and healthy! I'm very happy for you!
Suleyka How are you doing in the meantime?
@Alle: Thank you very much for the congratulations We are still really confused and fluctuate between amazement and joy
Oskar I'm the same, emotional and analytical at the same time - an exhausting combination. We continue to take it one day at a time and wait and see.
I already have some serious "side effects": Tiredness, latent nausea, breasts hurt like hell, even around the belly button. Everything is new and every tug is somehow unsettling. But I guess we have to get through it.
How are you doing at the moment?
Jam76: I'm really happy for you that the US was so good! And it's great that you'll be able to come back soon.
Coco_F: I'm so happy for you too! So nice that you were able to have an ultrasound at short notice and that the little one is developing so well!
@me: It looks good for me too I am so relieved. 4 days after I stopped the ASA, the spotting stopped. I then took it again on the advice of the doctors and since then the bleeding has stopped. Instead, I now have a fungus This is annoying, but shouldn't be tragic. At today's US on 9+5, my little one was still developing on time and now really looks like a baby Now I have to be strong and wait 3 weeks until the ETT. I hope that the time until then goes as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, I still worry too much. But I'm trying to take an active approach now.
Dear Suleyka,
I am very pleased that your bleeding has stopped! What is an ETT?
I wish you all the best! Oskar
Dear Coco_F,
I see in your signature that you also had two negative transfers. Did you do the Era-test before the third one worked? What is Fertilysis?
Kind regards! Oskar
Dear Oskar,
No, I have not done the ERA test. On the contrary, I even think it is counterproductive. A study came out showing that you have less chance of getting pregnant with the ERA test than without it. It probably doesn't work. That's why I decided against it. Fertilysis is a company. They do tests on the microbiome in the uterus as well as bacteria (plasma cells or killer cells, I never know exactly what the difference is) in the uterus, KiR genes etc.. Just have a look at their homepage. I opted for them because they not only say that you have bacteria (the unwanted ones) in the uterus but also which ones. This means you can use antibiotics to specifically combat them. If you don't have the information, but only that you have bacteria, you may take antibiotics and they won't work against the bacteria at all. In the worst case scenario, the bad bacteria will then multiply because the antibiotics will also kill the good ones and they will no longer be stopped. I had to take two different antibiotics in a row and so did my husband. So that I don't get infected from him again.
My God, how closely happiness and unhappiness lie side by side here
I am so sad for Oskar. Please don't lose heart and none of what you have invested has been in vain! All of this is YOUR path - we just don't know where it will lead.
Thanks Jam76, those are really nice words
Dear Coco_F,
Yes, I am familiar with the major criticism of the ERA-test and I have also read through many studies: euploid blastocysts were transferred there and there was no added value of the ERA-test in the meta-studies. I was shocked when I read that in those studies that had a positive effect, a dependency with the inventor company was stated at the bottom. I therefore also thought that the two additional tests (Emma + Alice) might be useful, but if you now say that they don't say which bacterium, then of course that doesn't make any sense... However, a doctor at the Clinica Tambre recommended the ERA test to me here in the forum. You are at the clinic, aren't you?
The problem is, if I don't do the test, I might wonder for the rest of my life whether it might not have helped after all, I'm already biting my xxx because I didn't do it before the second one....
I now have another day 6 blasto, which was bumming at first, but then froze already slightly hated. My German doctor said that maybe it should have been frozen after 5.5 days, it was already quite far along... Wouldn't it then have to be inserted after 132 hours? Phew...
What's really difficult is that the foreign doctor doesn't like it when my German doctor makes a suggestion.... I find that sad...
Best regards! Oskar
Dear Coco_F, on which day of your cycle was the fertility test carried out? Did you get any results? I was given doxycycline for 3 weeks in 2021 because of Lyme disease... Could that have annoyed my microbiome? But I really do eat a lot of cheese.... Best regards! Oskar
Oops, sorry, now the discussion about the Era-test is in the "Let's go part 2" thread...Can this be moved?
Dear @Oscar just a quick note on eating lots of cheese, I have been on an anti-inflammatory diet for three years including probiotics, prebiotic foods, eating sauerkraut, home fermented rye bread, home made yogurt and still the probiotic gut flora and the flora in the uterus was not quite right.
Yes, I am at the Clinica Tambre and I went there because they do this fragmentation test on the sperm. I wanted it because I knew that my husband had problems with it and we did it. And then I also went there because of the YouTube posts. They explained a lot of things and I think the cooperation with the doctor there was also good. She listened to my suggestions as far as she thought they made sense. Nevertheless, I actually think that they offer the ERA test as dubious. But as a patient, I can decide whether to do it or not. They never urged me to do it. And I decided on the basis of my research that I didn't need it. I also did the pedant to the Emma and Alice test, the meta test at Tambre before I did the test at Fertilysis. Nothing came out of the Meta Test except that I could take some probiotics. And again, I think the test is ok but there are better ones. The Fertilysis test showed several things, 3 types of bacteria for which I had to take 2 antibiotics and something else, which is why I should take Prednisolone and Intrallipid. I couldn't manage the latter, so I left it. They also recommended LIT because of the T1/T2 ratio. We didn't do that either because it wasn't possible. These are still rather experimental things and yes, I was desperate but I can't do everything. And I've invested so much in my body for so long that I preferred to concentrate on the things I could do. By the way, I didn't do the Fertilysis test on my own. I made an appointment online with a fertility specialist who talks weekly on YouTube about fertility, artificial insemination, discusses the latest studies if they are important in his opinion, etc. He also has a clinic in Canada. He also has a clinic in Canada. He did an amniocentesis on me and my husband, for money of course, and then he recommended that we take the test at Fertilysis. He also told us exactly what was to be tested and then we talked about the results. He was also the one who recommended the Letrozole protocol to me, but he also talks about it in every video. Fertilysis offers different tests, there was no biopsy involved. Depending on how it is done, the bacteria may not be caught at all... I had to collect and give period blood, take a swab with one of those larger cotton swabs and have blood taken. My husband only had to give blood. Of course, there's also criticism that you can't determine the killer cells in the blood so well, etc. But I simply relied on the logical explanations from the Canadian fertility specialist. It's just so difficult with all this fuss to find out what's good for you and what's a waste of money. But I also like the feeling of having done everything in my power. When I had to take those stupid antibiotics, the transfer was of course postponed again and I was also briefly in doubt as to whether it was all worth it. But I went through with it and I don't know yet whether it will really lead to a live birth, but at least I have overcome more hurdles than before. Dear @Oscar does that answer your questions?
Oops, sorry, now the discussion about the Era-test is in the "Let's go part 2" thread...Can this be moved?
We can open a new thread for it if you'd like.
Dear Coco_F, I don't know how to thank you for all the mega help. Thank you! You've written your fingers to the bone... Thank you.
I now have to organize my thoughts somehow and will then open a new treat!
Best regards! Oskar